As with every year, we will be looking to improve on how we support our clients, 2022 has several exciting moments ahead:

  1. Hosting Daintree events
  2. Running a sprint triathlon
  3. Improving how we support our clients
  4. Searching for a new Financial Planner and Trainee Financial Planner

Daintree Wealth Management events

Over the course of the next year, we plan to bring clients and employees together for several events, we are considering several events and would love to hear your thoughts and ideas, at present we are thinking of:

  • Countryside walks.
  • Motorbike ride.
  • Coffee & Cake morning.
  • Barry’s Bootcamp.

Once decided on the events we will run, we will send out details of when and where to meet to which all clients and their families and friends are welcome.

If you have any suggestions on the kind of a Client / Daintree event you would like to see, please reach out.

Daintree Salford Sprint Triathlon

Next year members of Daintree Wealth Management will be coming together to participate in the Salford Sprint Triathlon, which consists of:

  • 20Km cycle.
  • 750m swim.
  • 5Km run.

We are lucky to have an expert in the Salford Triathlon on our side, as in 2019 Mark participated, he will be looking to improve on his times and see his colleagues cross the finish line.

In taking part in the Sprint Triathlon, we have decided to support Cancer Research UK, in the new year we will be looking to raise funds for donation.

Improving how we support clients

This year we developed our Corporate Service, which supports businesses who are looking to improve the well-being of their employees. We have already seen a positive reaction to those who are using our Corporate Services.

As we move into the new year, we will be looking to develop our proposition so we can further help employers and employees of the businesses we support.

The search for another financial planner and another trainee financial planner

Next year, as we continue to grow, we will be looking for another qualified financial planner who embodies Daintree’s values to join our team, likewise, to support the new financial planner, we will be looking to bring onboard a new trainee financial planner.